
[ H A P P Y - P I G S - I N - B L A N K E T S - D A Y ]

24th April 2017


YESSSS, this is a real national holiday and is celebrated by all those who truly love pigs in blankets.

It is a whole day dedicated to the celebration of this food type, and I am super duper happy about it. You can eat as many as you like, and trust me - we won't be judging you! There's so many ways to make them and it's just SO easy.

In America the tradition is to wrap a hot dog sausage in croissant or biscuit dough whereas in England (or me, in Australia) it is done by wrapping a sausage (usually a chipolata) in BACON! Yeah, SAUSAGE & BACON.

I think it is important to surround yourself with things that make you happy, and that is exactly what I will do. They usually come out for Christmas dinner (my FaVe time of year) as a side plate and everyone reaches for them. They are super easy to cook and will go down a treat for everyone!

Here's my recipe...


  • 2 Packs of thin sausages - Depending on how many you want to make
  • Streaky bacon - 2 packets, or enough pieces to allow one per sausage
  • Olive Oil - around 2 table spoons (enough to cover tray )
  • Herbs, Salt & Pepper - Thyme, Rosemary

  1. Pre-heat oven to 200 C 
  2. Grease your baking tray with the olive oil, ensuring that the whole tray is covered
  3. Lay down 1 piece of bacon and stretch it out, being careful that you do not split in half
  4. Then, pierce holes in the sausage using a fork and roll in the bacon, then place on your greased tray
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 until all of your bacon and sausages are used up and all cozy in their blankets!
  6. Sprinkle herbs, salt & pepper over all of your pigs in blankets and place into the oven.
  7. Cook the 'pigs' for around 30-35 minutes, or until they are crispy and brown! If need be, cut one of the sausages in half and check that it is cooked throughout.
  8. Once cooked, place on a tray. Serve immediately and ENJOY! 
I served mine with homemade creamy mash and thick gravy!


Love, Abby x


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