
[ C H R I S T M A S - I N - J U L Y - L U S H - H A U L ]

July...July?! Where did you go? Well, I still might not be on track because life just gets in the way but... here is a Christmas in July blog, in August!


So. in Australia it has kinda become tradition to celebrate Christmas in July as well as December. Being a 'pom' I love love love love a cold Christmas, or any Christmas for that matter. Having a warm one just doesn't feel right. BUTTT little things like a Lush collection, parties, Pizza Hut menus.. all make it that little bit easier and of course another reason to play Michael Buble's Christmas albums.

I picked up a few bits that I've loved before but also some new products that I am suuuuper excited to try. You may notice not all of the products are from the Christmas range but I thought I'd put them in here toooo!

 B A T H   B O M B S 

Fizzy bath goodness.

L O R D  O F  M I S R U L E

First timer. First impressions - yum. It just smells soooo fresh! I think this will be perfect on a Sunday morning to get you up and refreshed, ready to plan for the week ahead. I've always wanted to try this so I'm pretty excited. It's a bright bluey-green colour which looks uplifting, but on the inside is a gorgeous deep red which is very relaxing and luxurious. It actually has Patchouli in which is an ingredient I am just starting to use and love. Along with black pepper it just seems like a peeerfect bath treat for a rainy day.

S H O O T  F O R  T H E  S T A R S

This is one that I've used a couple times before, it's a top favourite and one I hope comes backs t christmas 2017!!!!! It's a sweet scented, gold glittery ball of gorgeousness. It will turn your bath water B R I G H T blue. You've been warned. Enjoy it. The bath bomb has Orange Oil and Bergamot oil to add that citrusy, sweet scent and also the gold stars are made with organic cocoa butter to leave your body feeling super soft and moisturised. *Drooling*.
I do highly recommend you get yourself one, if you love a comforting, sweet scented bath... keep an eye out for it around Christmas time!!

G O L D E N   W O N D E R 

I have tried time and time again to get my hands on this bath bomb! From what I've heard it's a must have at Christmas. It has a golden wrapped shelter (like a present. See what I did there?) to a tealy green colour that comes completely unexpected. Such an uplifting scent of cognac and lime that really can be used any time of the year. IF you can save it for after Christmas. Golden Wonder is a really cute design and I think it defo lives up to it's name! 

M E T A M O R P H O S I S 

This made me sooooo excited! A black bath bomb you see? Never judge a bath bomb by it's colour. It  may be black on the outside, but hidden underneath is a tropical illusion of pink, orange, green and yellow emerges to ignite your bath. Yeah, it surprised me too. I was excited to try this purely because I was so intrigued to see how it would react with the warm water, I wanted to indulge in a metamorphosis bath.  Metamorphosis is made with black pepper and myrrh which I have never used or smelt before. Silver and black shimmer completes this for me, could this be slipping into my faves? I would recommend this bath bomb for a time when you feel motivated or when you need that extra boost of determination. It is such a happy bath bomb and I think sometimes, just sometimes that's all you need.

N E V E R  M I N D  T H E  BA L L I S T I C S 

A not so typical Christmas bath bomb. Actually it it is perfect for an Australian crimbo. NMTB is  fruity, sweet and bright... everything you don't expect at that tome of year. Which makes it really stand out to me. I LOVE that it is made with cocoa butter, my skin appreciates this so much!! I love that when you (finally) get out of the bath, you are already moisturised and silky smooth. However, I'm not too keen on the banana but at least it isn't a strong smell in this! I would use this bath bomb any time of day and probably in a summer evening.

 B U B B L E   B A R S 

Crumbly, bubbling treats.


(The Karma bubble bar doesn't look like this any more, it now has a new look and a new formula.)
I love how sweet this looks, and I only think of good Karma. The kind where you are rewarded for doing a good deed...  that reward being a nice warm bath that will leave you smelling sweet all day!! So many oils such as, patchouli oil, orange oil, pine oil to name a few, which all work wonders when combined. It really improves your mood as you just can't deny the sweet, citrusy scents. Use this whenever - make sure  you pass on a good deed and keep the world a lovely place. Maybe even treat someone to good Karma.

 D U S T I N G   P O W D E R S 

Magical, silky shimmer.

F A I R Y   D U S T

Never have I ever. I've always just been so excited about bath products that I rarely step out of  that zone. I finally have started trying new (to me) Lush products and am SO grateful that I have. The dusting powders I didn't really understand. Being a huge fan of the Snow Fairy family, I had to try this when I saw it was released for Christmas in July!!! It is stunning. I absolutely love it and the smell does not disappoint. You'll recognise the sweet scent anywhere. It literally leaves you shimmering for hours with gorgeous glowing skin. If you're looking for a pick - me - up or you're going out somewhere fancy - use this. Go OTT with this. Use the whole thing. Shine bright like the diamond you are.

 T O O T H Y   T A B S 

 Shining, clean freshness.


New to me too. Another product I have heard a lot about and have been recommended time and time again are the toothy tabs. An alternative to toothpaste that is perfect for travelling or popping in your sleepover bag. I haven't tried this yet, but I'm excited to see what they are like! I chose the Dirty packet because I am a lover of minty freshness. These are made with spearmint oils so I think I'll really enjoy using them.  You just start biting on one and then brush your teeth. I'd wet my toothbrush that what you're supposed to do? 

* S A M P L E *

This was exciting! When unboxing my Lush order I received a little sample of soap. Lush is so generous and really knows know to keep people and animals happy!

R E S P E C T   Y O U R   E L D E R S   S O A P

Doesn't look too pretty like this but up close it is a deep purple soap bar. It may be little but it has a whole lotta scent! Really strong aromas of berries (elderberries) and blackcurrants (not used in this product). I couldn't imagine this being very refreshing but once you have used this, your skin will smell lovely! A huge variety of oils are used such as rapeseed oil, coconut oil and bergamot oils which stand out the most really combine well with the elderberries - I may have to get myself some more of this!

This has made me so excited for  the 2018 Christmas release, I can't wait to see what Lush will bring out! Bring on CHRISTMAS!!

What are you hoping will come back?

Love, Abby x


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